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Lodging Access Solution

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USA/Canada: 1.800.999.6213

Others: +1 514.340.9025

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USA/Canada: 1.800.999.6213

Others: +1 514.340.9025

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1. Is this website secure?

Yes all payments and transactions are encrypted using an SSL security certificate.


2. Where can I find manuals and guides for dormakaba lodging products?

A complete selection of manuals, guides, videos, catalogs and other technical documents is available on It is available 24/7. You can also obtain troubleshooting tips, software updates and the latest industry updates on our products.

3. Does Dormakaba offer customer support?

Yes customer support is available during normal business hours. Use our live chat, 
email us at
or call our toll-free number 800-999-6213.

4. Where can I find a complete product line-up of dormakaba electronic locks and systems?

Visit us at

5. What is door handing?

Some parts and all locks require specification of door handing. To determine the hand, face the door from the outside and select from the corresponding diagram below.

Left Hand


Left Hand Reverse




Right Hand


Right Hand Reverse


6. What is the difference between a mortise lock and a cylindrical latch lock?

The mortise locking device of the mortise lock requires a pocket to be cut into the door. The mortise locking device will look like one of these images:

Mortise with deadbolt
Mortise without deadbolt
Cylindrical Latch
Mortise with deadbolt
Mortise without deadbolt
Cylindrical Latch
A tubular latch bolt operated by lever or knob.